Factory Automation

Industrial PC MELIPCMI3315G-W   Download   Dimensions and CAD


Model name File information Downloads Discontinued Remarks
MI3315G-W 2D CAD mi3315g-w_b_dxf.zip  *manufactured in December 2020 or later
  3D CAD mi3315g-w_b_igs.zip  *manufactured in December 2020 or later
  3D CAD mi3315g-w_b_stp.zip  *manufactured in December 2020 or later
MI3315G-W 2D CAD mi3315g-w_a_dxf.zip   
  3D CAD mi3315g-w_a_igs.zip   
  3D CAD mi3315g-w_a_stp.zip   

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

[Using CAD data]

  • - By downloading CAD data, you consent to the terms of use given below.
  • - Uncompress (unzip) the downloaded compressed (zip) file.
  • - The basic format of the uncompressed CAD file name is:
    "Product model name (lowercase alphanumeric characters)" + "_file version" + "extension".
    • E.g.: Where the product model name is "MI5122-VW", the file version is "a" and the data format is "IGES"
      The file name is "mi5122-vw_a_igs"
  • - CAD data file formats
  • - CAD data is supplied in the file formats listed below.
  • - If data imported by customers cannot be read correctly, import the data in a different format (STEP).
CAD format Extension Version
2D DXF .dxf R14
DWG .dwg R14
3D IGES .igs 5.3
STEP .stp AP203
  • - CAD data models
  • - Details of shape data are partly simplified to reduce the file size.
  • - Shapes that are not essential to layout considerations are omitted. This includes chamfering, corner radii, draft angles, screw threads, detailed screw head shapes, etc.
  • - CAD data models should be used for pre-design only.
  • - The content of CAD files is subject to change without notice for the purposes of product improvement, etc.
  • - CAD data does not guarantee specifications of Mitsubishi Electric products. Mitsubishi Electric accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages arising from the use of CAD data.